The coolest thing though is something that we also saw at a couple restaurants that had patio service. The fans, like the one below that was facing Lloyd and a few feet higher than his club would hit,
were equipped with water sprayers. If you look carefully you can see the mist generated by the eight little water nozzles that produce a fine cooling mist without leaving you wet. A nice courtesy for the clients, although when it's 44C out there, a little mist, although nice, doesn't lower the temperature much. A nice touch though.
We've learned to drink water...lots of in the summer. It's the only beverage that does anything to quench your thirst. We've also learned that this is the monsoon sunny days with thunderstorms at night. And, it's not a dry heat during the monsoons. It's humid! I'm melting! It's great to be here though and get a feel for what it's like in the 'off' season.
Heading north tomorrow.
Have a safe trip back and come back soon. I'm envious. I miss the Rocky Mountains.
Be careful heading home! Enjoyed your posts about AZ.
Stay cool!!!
Beautiful header pic!
Safe trip and hopefully a few pics on trip home!
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