There were times during the raising of our five daughters that Lloyd and I would have appreciated having an application for potential suitors to complete before we would allow them to date our precious treasures. Not that it would have done us any good, given the independent strong-willed nature of said treasures. Nevertheless, it would have made us feel like we had some kind of control over the uncontrollable.
I don't think there are many parents of daughters who haven't at one time or another wished they lived in an arranged marriage culture. When all is said and done though, it's a good thing the girls were able to make their own choices. Now that they're all happily married we realize that our choices wouldn't have been the ones that would make them as happy as they currently are. But the urge to protect our daughters is a strong one and we had to trust that they know what's best for them. After all, they are happy ones at that!
Anyway, I found this application and thought it was worth sharing...if only for a laugh. You may have to click on it to make it appear large enough to read. For fun only, of course.

This is too funny!
My daughter never brought any guy home that I thought was even half good enough for her. But my opinion never mattered to her. She finally got married...and no I did not like who she picked out for that either. But time marched on and now I like the guy/husband better than I do her. He is so good to me and so good to her and their kids. So sometimes you're damned if you do and damned if you don't but luckily this worked out pretty good. Even though I STILL think my choices for a husband for her were better than hers. :)))
Good grief...I know exactly who I'd be married to if it was your decision and not mine (I won't mention a name here).
You wouldn't have picked Q in a bazillion years, but you have to admit that he's completely and totally perfect for me. :-)
I am thankful I only have 2 girls!! Enough headache for me!!
I would of chosen James in a heart beat!! Dont think he would even of had to fill out the application.
Beautiful header picture!! And beautiful picture of you girls!!
I love that - wish I had used it about ten years ago on my daughter. teehee
I wonder what your son's answers would be??
I am printing this off and filing it away for future use.
I adore my daughter's choice -best husband and father anyone could have in their life! But now I worry about my granddaughter & hope she chooses as carefully!!
Would you really do paintballs with me and watch Mama Mia - then come on down! That would be cool.
That's great Pat. I'm just glad my wife's parents never had a list like that, otherwise I'd still be single.
Two thumbs up for the new header.
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