Canada Geese! Hundreds of thousands of them! All over the place! I was unaware of this phenomenon until earlier this week when I witnessed it firsthand
Because it's on three migration paths, Winnipeg has become a staging area for the geese as they prepare for their flight south. Hundreds of thousands of the beautiful birds congregate in and around Winnipeg in late summer/early fall to fatten up, practice flying, teach the young ones the mysteries of migration and how to fly in formation. At sunset the sky is full of Canada Geese as they head for the nearby lakes to rest for the night in the relative safety of the water, free from predators.
They land in the lake, gradually filling the surface. They shared it this evening with a few ducks and a flock of six pelicans.
The beautiful lake at sunset. There are a few geese at the far end of it |
We could see lines of them off in the distance making their way to the lake. |
This is just a small flock settling in. They were joined by many more. |
The line of white birds in the middle are the pelicans. |
Wendy and I stayed at the lake until it was too dark to see, but we knew the geese were there by their honking calls.. In a month or so they'll all be gone to warmer places where the lakes aren't frozen ice for four or five months. And then they'll come back and it'll start all over again.
What a wonderful sight to have witnessed, Pat! Thank you for sharing suc a moving experience with us. I hope you and Wendy are able to enjoy some more happy, uplifting times together, in between the sad and no doubt emotionally draining visits to your Mom. Big hug xoxo
My goodness - all those birds!!!
Wow! That is amazing.
Thanks for the photos, they are great.
I am glad that you are back with us
we missed you!
x Fiona
How interesting, I'll bet it was noisy. Hope you're having a great time.
What amazing photos of those wonderful geese! What a sight to see. I think you were privileged. Loved the last photo of the lake.
We have a handful of geese fly over here everynight. I love to watch them and hear them honk. I can only imagine seeing and hearing thousands. It must have been spectacular out at the lake. Beautiful images.
The same here. I'm seeing more and more of them fly over. Our lakes are frozen here too so I know they will be going south of here to a warmer place. Your pictures are wonderful. Hope your Sunday is a great one!
WOW...this is funny... I was in Edmonton last week and was just going to do a post on Canada Geese...from pictures there!! :)
There is nothing quite as majestic as watching a large migration of geese.
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