Grandsons Nathan and Micah |
Yesterday we celebrated Canada's 147th birthday. Lloyd and I began our celebrations with Mike's family in Lethbridge on Sunday and finished up last evening in Lacombe with Jenny's family.
Grandson James wearing Canada red, standing in front of a Canada camp chair while hugging a Canadian Maple tree (and wearing an Arizona Cardinals t-shirt). |
Canada Day always involves parades and picnics and barbecues and family gatherings, culminating in a night lit up with exciting firework displays.
Lloyd passed the barbequing duties on to son Mike. |
This year Lloyd built a fire pit so we were able to sit around it toasting marshmallows and making s'mores. Fun! I had my first s'more two weeks ago when Mickey made them for a scrapbooking day treat. She couldn't believe I had lived all my life without ever having had these delicious campground goodies. I guess it comes from being raised by non-camping parents. Anyway, apparently my grandchildren are well familiar with the gooey stuff and eager to make some.
Avril oversees Hannah, Alex and Kenny as they toast their marshmallows
But they don't need any help eating them! |
Lloyd had never tasted them before either and pronounced his first one delicious, if not a trifle sweet.
The next day we drove up to Jenny and Anders' home to spend time visiting them and their five boys and toast more marshmallows and eat more s'mores and watch the fireworks.
Lloyd watching the antics of the five grandsons. |
While Jenn kept busy weeding the yard as we visited. |
Nate and the boys toasted marshmallows and kept everyone supplied with s'mores
Then the grand finale to Canada Day Weekend - fireworks over the lake on a beautiful clear night.
I hope the rest of my Canadian friends had a great Canada Day. And for my American friends, have a great celebration of July 4.
Life is good.