Monday, July 22, 2013

The Rest of the Story.

When I wrote about our visit to Pigeon Lake, I just showed the Village and the shops.  We didn't stop our journey there though.  Lloyd and I drove on down to the lake, which is huge, with half a dozen or so Summer Villages with all kinds of summer homes, from modest little rustic cabins to large multi-roomed mansions.  What a great place for those homeowners to spend the summer.  Here's a peek at some of the lakeside attractions.

A lot of the summer homes had cute names, like this one

This appears to be one of the older homes, a real summer cottage.

And then there are big elaborate ones like this, that still try to maintain
a rustic look.  You can see the lake behind the house.

This path leads from the road to the cabin and on
down to the lake

This sad looking property was once a store used by the summer villagers,
looking sadly decrepit now.

Someone has built a pier and docked their boat at it.

Although filled with algae right now, this must have been
prime property with the lake at the back and the creek at
the side of the cottage.

Isn't this a beautiful summer home.  I wouldn't mind spending a month
or two there with the lake in my back yard.

This is a larger boat launch area, with playground and park.

The only people we saw on our drive were those half dozen people
on the raft out on the lake.  They were just drifting and sunning.

We came across this family of Canada geese in the park.

As soon as they saw us approaching to take pictures, the mother goose
herded her children to safety, down to the pier

where she then coaxed them into the water

They seemed to want to test the water first by sticking their webbed toes in.

And they're from the camera snapping humans.  As soon as we were far enough
away from them, they all came back and waddled up the grass to their favorite
spot in the sun.

I like the look of this rustic cabin.  It looks like it belongs there.

This is the community center.

And one last look at one of the summer cabins in the woods.
We did meet two little girls along the lake road - they were selling home made lemonade so we bought a couple of glasses of it from them...good stuff.

A perfect summer day of exploring.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That is a beautiful summer place. I'd like to be out just floating around on a raft. Sounds like a bit of heaven to me. Hope you are enjoying your summer!

Mickey said...

Beautiful pictures!
Love the different homes and especially the cute Canada Geese family. Such a nice area and not too far from Edmonton.


What a lovely place. The perfect summer getaway.

Unknown said...

I dream of building a house like in your picture.

Granny Annie said...

My house isn't quite like those but the nature around me is:) We call this NOL-NOC Estates. Do you know why?