I've decided a white Christmas is much over-rated. For the first time in a long, long time, we haven't had any snow for Christmas this year. With family travelling through the mountains, we did not miss having snow to deal with.
Now, as Christmas is wrapping up and New Year's festivities are being planned, here's some images from our Christmas 2011. I was very slack at taking pictures this year and the ones I did take aren't great, but these will have to do.
Our small woodland themed Christmas tree
with my favorite owl ornament.
Emily decorating cookies with Layla and Baron
Setting up the Nativity scene
Putting the snack out for Santa and the reindeer
Then, on Christmas morning the kids open their Santa gifts before breakfast.
while Papa cooks his traditional big breakfast, watched by Greg
After breakfast and the opening of the rest of the presents, it's time to start peeling and cutting vegetables for the Christmas feast.
Boxing Day (Dec. 26) brought my three youngest children together as Mike and his family visited for the day.
Emily, Mary and Mike |
Mike's kids, and Mary's kids played together all day, getting to know one another and enjoy one anothers' company.
Things have calmed down now - Emily and Allan have gone home, Mike's family is back in their home not far from here, but Mary, Greg, Layla and Baron will be with us till Jan. 2 when we'll pack up Christmas and they'll head back to BC and Lloyd and I will go home to Edmonton. This first Christmas in our Lethbridge home has been a good one, in spite of having to suffer through a bad cold.
Two more events will happen before we head back though. Amy and her family are coming down on the 29th and we'll have Kenzie's 9th birthday at that time, and we'll be hosting the family New Year's Eve party on the 31st. January will be a time for rest!