Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Flood Update

I guess compared to so many people in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan we've come through the flooding down there fairly well. We had minimal water damage in the basement which will require us to replace the carpet down there, but since we were planning on renovating the basement anyway, it's not too upsetting. Our main problem is distance. Since we live a 5 hour drive north of Lethbridge, and had limited time on the weekend, it meant we had to drive down there, spend 3 hours at the house, and drive five hours home. It made for a long day. Luckily Mike and Avril live not far from us down there and had the hall carpet and underlay out, the wet edges of the big room carpet lifted, and the water mopped up before we got there. We left 3 industrial sized fans running which Mike will check on for us. Hopefully the rain and flooding is over now.

Carpetless hall and family room entry

Wet carpet getting dried out.

The wet at the foot of the stairs.

Once the carpet and underlay was lifted,
we could see where there used to be tile on the cement floor.


Pat MacKenzie said...


JQ said...

Poor Mummie. Hope the sun shines on it while you're gone.

Michael MacKenzie said...

I'll e-mail you the pictures Avril and I took from when the water was still there.