Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Very Social Bird

It's been fun having Eadie with me these past couple of days.  She's a very social bird and only goes in her cage to eat.  I've become used to her perching on my shoulder as I move about the house.  She even ate my pizza crust for me.

I have a radio beside her cage which I kept on low while scrapbooking.  I kept hearing the theme from Bridge On The River Kwai in the music.  Finally, remembering what Jenn told me, I turned the radio off and there it was - Eadie was whistling the tune, very sweet and clear, over and over, along with the occasional wolf whistle. I got a video of her doing it (I think) but can't get it off my camera.  If I ever figure it out, I'll post it.

I had Sara's kids over yesterday and they loved Eadie.  She went right to Max, I think she must be missing her own five boys.

Elly was timid but allowed Eadie to sit on her arm.

Charlie didn't want the bird on her at all but wanted to touch its back.  Didn't work too well.  Birds don't like being stroked like cats.  That's her blurry hand hovering over Eadie in the photo below.

That's as close as Charlie got to Eadie.

On a sad note, the kids' other grandmother passed away early yesterday morning - she was in her 80s and hospitalized for the past month or two.   Although not a shock, it is still upsetting for the family.  My son-in-law was the youngest of her 7 children.  Sara explained to the kids that Grandma is now with Grandpa and other friends and family so they shouldn't be too sad for her.  Charlie reminded me a couple of times that Papa and I are her only grandparents left.  I assured her that we'll be around for awhile and that Grandma was almost 25 years older than me.  Now I have to make sure that Lloyd and I stay healthy enough to continue to be part of the kids' lives for years to come.


Holly said...

Sorry to hear about the kids gramdmother. The children and Eadie are so darn cute.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's good the kids and that bird have a grandmother like you around. We all hope to have many years left with out loved ones, but only the good Lord knows about that. When ever I do get time to spend with mine I'm very thankful for the moments for sure. I can tell you make the most of your moments too. Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one!

Southhamsdarling said...

Yes, I am sorry to hear about their grandma passing away, even though it was more or less expected. You don't know what goes through their little minds really, do you? They are so cute and Eadie is obviously very good company! Like you, I hope I'm around long enough to see the little ones grow up!

Sush said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear about their other Grandma. I love swapping stories of our shared grandkids with my compadre in all things grandmotherly. I'm so glad you are there for their reassurance. Eadie is some budgie!


Desiree said...

What a sweet post. Charlie's comment reminded me of something my son said to his grandfather when he was about 5 years old. In all earnestness, he turned to my Dad while they were out walking at their holiday home and said, "Gaggy, you must never ever die!" My Dad, thinking the little fellow was concerned about death, assured him that, although he would die one day, he had no intention of doing so any time soon, to which my son replied, "Oh, good. Because if you did, WHERE would we get the key to Laughing Waters?" (the name of my parent's holiday home).

Holly said...

Can't find your email address and there's not a link to it on your blog. I just listed a bunch of the scrapbooking stuff on Craigslist. Trying to sell it in one whole lot but I know that probably isn't going to happen.

Chatty Crone said...

I'm sorry to hear about the kids grandma - it has to be hard - no matter what the age.

Mickey said...

Looks like fun with Eadie!
Condolences to Sara and Quincy & family. Know something like this brings out the questions with young children. And yes we do have to keep healthy to be around for them. We will!

Laeli said...

Awww,I'm sorry to hear about the kids grandma:(

I fell in love with..some sort of bird in a store last week. I want to go get him but have to convince the Hubs a wee bit more.

BB said...

I am sorry to hear about the passing of the other grandmother. It is never easy no matter how much you think you are prepared. This bird is quite the social butterfly I see! Great pictures. The kids are adorable.

JQ said...

Thanks again, Mum. And I keep giving Oedie the same lecture: "You're a PET which means you should let people PET you."