I was born on this day 63 years ago. Some people think I'm old. My body is beginning to think I'm old. My 20 grandchildren certainly think I'm old and I imagine my children do too. I used to think 63 was old, but not anymore. The definition of 'old' changes as we add more years to our age.
I'm not old. My mind is an active teen-ager. My spirit is young and sprightly. I'm a most fortunate person, surrounded by love and laughter, family and friends. There are many things to enjoy at 63, and time yet to do them. Like taking road trips with my husband, visiting family in distant locations, watching movies together and just relaxing in the sun.
Isn't it funny when you talk to kids and they can't imagine how we ever lived without television, computers, internet, cell phones, credit cards, and all of the technology we all take for granted now. We didn't need to have our parents arrange play dates for us - we just ran around freely in our neighbourhood stopping for a game of kick-the-can, or jumping rope or hopscotch without a care in the world. Our lives weren't organized for us from morning to night. If we wanted to play baseball, we'd round up our friends and head to the school yard for an impromptu game. We'd screw roller skates to our shoes and clickity-clack our way along the sidewalks. We had loads of fun playing marbles, and paper dolls, skating on outdoor ponds and sledding on local hills.
I was there when the Beatles were 'discovered'. I remember hearing my first Beatles song when I was 13, and watching them on the Ed Sullivan Show. I still think that the music of the 1960's is the best there is and listen to it every chance I get. I was a teenager during the 'summer of love'. I was too inhibited to join the hippie movement though. I did have one of my son-in-laws convinced that I was at Woodstock during that memorable event and hung out with Janis Joplin and that crew there. It broke his heart when he finally learned the truth.
If I had to go back and live a year of my life over, I honestly don't know which year it would be. There was good and bad in all of them, although I remember the good more than the bad. I'll just enjoy the year I'm living now and hope for many more good moments to add to my treasures.
So, go jump in a river fully clothed, have a sleepover with your young grandchildren, play in the playground, blow bubbles, walk in the sunshine, and smile and laugh often. You're only as old as you feel. I love being 60-something.
I was cuter when I was younger though - here's proof.
Mum, Dad, Me, Wendy |
1952 - Wendy, Ken, Pat |
Me, age 6 1954 |
1953 - Ken, Wendy, Pat |
Grade 4 school picture |
In Germany 1961 - Me, Wendy Ken |
1966 - High School Grad |
1969 - Wendy's Bridesmaid |
1971 - Lloyd's Wife |
1986 - Our Family is Complete |
1967 - Wendy and me on family road trip |